Tag: health
Junk food advertising ban called for by health advocacy group in...
The Public Health Advocacy Institute of Western Australia (PHAIWA) based at Curtin University, is calling on the State Government to end junk food advertising...
ECU calling for trial participants with irritable bowel syndrome
Participants are sought for a new Edith Cowan University (ECU) study investigating whether fibre can improve gut health, mental wellbeing and sleep for people...
People with and without dementia needed for trials for Australian researchers…
Volunteers for research trials on dementia are in short supply. So much that some trials have been abandoned, others delayed or curtailed. Dementia is the...
Get younger – reverse ageing and increase your health span…
In The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, a boy was born old and got younger. That film is science fiction but Australian scientist Professor...
Hearing loss support for Veterans at new ANZAC House Veteran Central
According to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, hearing loss and tinnitus are in the top three of the most commonly accepted health conditions experienced...
Australians to gain new hub for thrombosis and its prevention
Australians are set to benefit from a central resource ‘hub’ of authoritative information to increase awareness and understanding of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism...
Interesting survey response to what Australians think about ageing
The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety engaged Roy Morgan to conduct a national opinion survey of 10,000 Australian adults. The survey asked...
It’s not what you weigh, it’s what you eat that matters...
Swedish scientists have found that a healthy diet compensates for being overweight in older people. They followed the health and diet of nearly 80,000 older and...
Brussel sprouts every day keeps the cardiologist away
Brussel sprouts are not everyone’s favourite vegetable, but regular consumption of Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables might save your life. Research...
The older we get the more pills we end up taking,...
Our needs change as we age and prescription drugs appropriate for 40-year-olds may be unnecessary or even dangerous when we get to 80. Medicines play...