I’m sure there is no need to expand on the fact that we are in unprecedented times. As you already know many Australians have lost their jobs and businesses.
At Have a Go News we have had to make some difficult decisions so we can maintain our presence in the market and keep providing you with the great content you need and expect while we all work through this global pandemic.
Approaching 30 years of publishing as an independent, free newspaper for the mature demographic of Western Australia, Have a Go News, your newspaper, is in unchartered waters.
My beautiful mum and dad, now deceased, and I and now my daughter Tahlia have been committed to providing you with Have a Go News free of charge, thanks to our many advertisers who have supported us over the years.
The global coronavirus pandemic has crippled many of these businesses and some may not survive.
Many that have long promoted their goods and services in this newspaper have reluctantly and understandably had to cease advertising and temporarily close their doors.
Never before have we seen what is happening to the Australian economy right now, while we stem the spread of this virus to maintain our nation’s health.
All members of our team remain loyal to the newspaper and are making personal sacrifices during this turbulent time.
To allow for the continuation of this paper I am appealing to you, our loyal readers, to support us through this uncertain time.
To that end I am asking you all to make a small gift to this paper, a personal contribution to ensure we can continue to operate, keep our loyal staff, journalists and distributors employed and be able to print the paper.
This will enable us to continue to provide important, essential articles and content during these trying times through the hard copy, digital copy, website and Facebook page.
As our trusted loyal readers, many of you are being asked to isolate yourselves more than any other demographic in the community so we have included two options available for those who would like to have Have a Go News posted directly to your home.
We appeal to you to help your newspaper survive; not only will we be eternally grateful, but this small gesture will ensure we do our bit to support the Australian economy too.
To that end we ask you to do the following: To gift us $20; for a $50 gift you will have the paper posted directly to your home for four months and for a $100 gift, every edition will be posted to your home until December 2020. See coupon below on how to contribute.
Readers, I have heard from so many of you over the years saying how much you love this newspaper. I want to continue the legacy of my parents and with your help allow Have a Go News to survive and continue into the future.
Our team of journalists have written the following messages of support…
My retirement plans went awry when I lost my mobility due to arthritis.
Frank Smith – Journalist
Working for Have a Go News has allowed me to indulge my passion for the English language, science communication and to meet and interview extraordinary people.
Have a Go News is vital to the welfare of older people. We need your support in this time of crisis.
For our stories to be truly meaningful, responsible journalists need an objective, respected media. Have a Go News seeks from its journalists and contributors reports that are informative, truthful, helpful, relevant and entertaining.
Have a Go News falls into the category of essential community media providing the mature demographic with news and information as well as a strong voice, moral support and encouragement.
Editor Jen Merigan is relentless in seeking exhaustive coverage of community information, public services, quizzes, travel, health, life experiences, gardening, hobbies, competitions and giveaways.
The real test of any publication is reader feedback, something I can attest to after 50 years of reporting for newspapers across Australia.Have a Go News consistently attracts positive responses from readers, government officials, companies and community organisations.
Clearly they value the newspaper and its reach.Have a Go News consistently attracts positive responses from readers, government officials, companies and community organisations. Clearly they value the newspaper and its reach.
We journalists and contributors know the value that the community places on this WA family founded newspaper. We can’t afford to lose this independent community forum.
Lee Tate – Journalist
Have a Go News consistently attracts positive responses from readers, government officials, companies and community organisations. Clearly they value the newspaper and its reach.
We journalists and contributors know the value that the community places on this WA family founded newspaper. We can’t afford to lose this independent community forum.
For the past seven years I have worked as a journalist for Have a Go News delighting in writing about things I love and know people appreciate – the arts, show business people in Australia and overseas, unsung heroes doing their bit for the WA community, authors and local charities quietly achieving big things… It has been privilege, and I hope through your support we can continue to bring this much-loved newspaper into your homes.
Josephine Allison – Journalist
I thank you in advance for any support you may be able to give us.
Yours sincerely
Jennifer Merigan – Editor
Our postal address is Have a Go News PO Box 1042, West Leederville 6901.