Thornlie residents, Bev and John Lowe, now in their eighties, have been volunteering and donating to the
vulnerable and those less fortunate, for most of their lifetime.
Founders of the charity Moort Care, the couple, and their team of dedicated volunteers and charitable donors, work with not-for-profit organisations including Rotary Clubs, Church groups and local hospitals to provide hampers, blankets and other necessities to vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals and families.
Now in its third year, Moort Care operates across the state, with blanket makers from Chidlow, toymakers
from Kalgoorlie and bootie makers from Bunbury, coupled with widespread deliveries of blankets to King
Edward and Armadale Hospitals, and more.
“We provide a range of services which continues to grow, all with the goal of increasing the mental and
physical health and welfare of anyone in need within Western Australia,” said Bev.
“We have built many relationships and connections through the work that we do and it brings a wonderful
sense of fulfilment and gratification to be able to make a significant contribution to the quality of life of
those less fortunate,” she said.
“I have been involved with charities since I was 10 years old I thoroughly recommend volunteering or helping others in some capacity.”
Bev and John were awarded the Order of Australia in 2008 for their charitable work and were past operators
of Manna for over 20 years, a charitable organisation that provides meals to the homeless.
Local giving heroes Bev and John Lowe are sharing their story in the lead up to Give2Good Week 21 – 27 March, in the hope that their story will inspire others to spark their own philanthropic journey.
The third annual Give2Good Week is a generosity movement from the Give2Good Foundation, inspiring
Western Australians to give, volunteer or gift funds within the charitable sector, thereby increasing the positive impact these organisations have on society.
“Give2Good Week is an opportunity to shine light on local giving heroes like Bev and John and their amazing team of volunteers, and showcase the positive effect charitable giving has on our society as well as just how rewarding regularly giving back can be,” said Give2Good Foundation Marketing Officer, Claire Sharman.
During Give2Good Week the public are encouraged to share inspirational stories of local kindness and
generosity across social media and #CelebrateGiving in its many forms including time, talent or treasure.
“Whether it’s volunteering at the local community centre, donating money to a charity close to your heart,
leaving a gift in your Will to your favourite cause or simply making someone smile – every act of generosity
counts and everyone has something that they can give”.
Give2Good Week aims to spark generosity across the state so that giving, volunteering, donations and gifts
in Wills become the norm for Western Australians.
Do you know a local Giving Hero who should be celebrated? Share their story today.
Visit www.give2goodweek.com.au to find out more.
Or email your submissions to: give2good@justice.wa.gov.au.
Or to find out how you can make a donation or leave a lasting legacy with the Give2Good Foundation, visit