Volunteers are the lifeblood of Vinnies WA.
Whether taking emergency assistance calls or manning Vinnies shops, volunteers play an integral role in keeping the wheels of the organisation turning – day in, day out.
Last financial year, Vinnies volunteers worked more than 800,000 hours, helping to support 58,000 West Australians in need.
National Volunteer Week, from May 20 to 26, is an opportunity to give thanks for the amazing contribution volunteers make to our community.
A life-changing personal tragedy led to Maria deciding to make a difference in her community by becoming a Vinnies volunteer.

Maria now regularly gives her time and expertise, responding to requests for emergency assistance at the Emergency Relief Service Centre for food or food vouchers, clothing, furniture, budget support, help with utility bills, back to school expenses or just a friendly chat.
Demand for emergency support is high in the current cost-of-living crisis, making her role, and the role of Vinnies volunteers, critical to ensuring there is assistance available for those who need it most.
“I’ve never looked back,” Maria said. “It makes such a difference to me and it is so rewarding.
“Once you put the phone down, you can say to yourself, at least the people I’ve spoken to are going to get a meal, and I’ve helped them.”
In addition to providing emergency relief and support, Vinnies runs a range of specialised services and programs in the areas of housing and homelessness, mental health and financial counselling.
Vinnies WA Manager Volunteer Services May Bowden said Vinnies WA volunteers fill important roles as call-takers, administrators, retail roles, truck offsiders and fundraising event volunteers.
“Vinnies is an organisation powered by volunteers – these selfless individuals are at the cornerstone of our work,” she said.

“Without volunteers, Vinnies could not have supported 58,000 Western Australians with food, clothing, emergency accommodation, financial and mental health support services last financial year. They make a real difference to the work we do and how many people we can help.”
To volunteer with Vinnies WA, visit www.vinnieswa.org.au/volunteer, email volunteer@svdpwa.org.au or call 6323 7576 for more information.