On the eve of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, The Public Trustee, Office of the Public Advocate, Advocare and a number of state government departments and community organisations, will join together to raise awareness of the growing issue of Financial Elder Abuse and provide an insight into how our community is tackling the problem.
Hosted at the State Library WA on Friday 14 June from 9am – 1.30pm, the event will offer free information seminars presented by leading industry professionals and seniors rights advocates. Attendees will be able to gain a better understanding of financial elder abuse, how to prevent it, the rights of older people and the services available to #HelpStopElderAbuse.
General public are invited to browse information stalls and chat to industry representatives (no bookings necessary), and/or pre-book to attend one (or all three) of the information seminars (Bookings essential).
Visit http://www.trybooking.com/BCDLT or Phone: 1300 746 116.
The seminars will run at 9.40am, 11am and 12.20pm and will cover the following topics respectively; “Elder Abuse – It’s Everybody’s Business”, “Who Can Help? Services Supporting Older People’s Rights” and “Avoid Abuse of Trust by Being Informed & Planning Ahead”.
WA Public Trustee, Brian Roche says the problem of elder abuse is of increasing concern in society, with financial abuse being the most common form of abuse experienced by elderly people.
“Too often older people are financially taken advantage of by someone they trust, and in many cases they don’t realise it is happening” he said.
“It is important that we look after the most vulnerable in our society, and this event will play a significant role in helping people understand the signs of elder abuse and how to prevent it from happening, so they can protect themselves or the elderly people in their lives” he said.
Advocare CEO, Diedre Timms says there has been a 53% increase in calls to their Elder Abuse Help line in the past 12 months with around 35% of these calls relating to financial elder abuse cases.
“We are experiencing an unprecedented increase in the number of people over the age of 65 with further increases on the horizon, by 2061 almost one in 4 Australians will be 65 and over, we need to ensure people are aware of the issue and are safeguarding themselves, family members and friends against financial elder abuse” she said.
“The Advocare Elder Abuse Helpline operates Monday – Friday 8.30 – 4.30 and callers are guaranteed confidentiality. We urge people to get in touch on 1300 724 679 if they, or someone they know, is experiencing elder abuse of any kind. Your call is free and confidential, you are not alone” she said.