Review: Amelia Ryan: The Breast is Yet to Come

Having seen Amelia Ryan’s previous shows A Storm In A D Cup and Lady Liberty, I didn’t want to miss this year’s offering – The Breast is Yet to Come.

And Amelia didn’t disappoint with her show which details her pre and post-natal experiences through songs, anecdotes and comedy routines.

As Amelia says, “I share stories about my life, so you can feel better about your own.”

Amelia has perfected the art of writing a cabaret show with flawless timing between songs and story-telling so that the audience is always entertained. Each song is the chosen to really capture the stages of her pregnancy and adds to the hilarity.

From eating salt and vinegar chips on stage, to listing every piece of unsolicited advice she received and singing songs from Slave for Food to Dear Baby Daddy this show had me laughing out loud.

One of the highlights for me was during the audience participation part where she has three dads come onto stage to read out her manual on what to say to your pregnant partner.

At this point we meet her fiancé Zac who is summoned providing further off the cuff anecdotes that had me in stitches.

Amelia captures the heart of the audience with her hilarious anecdotes, charisma, amazing vocal range and ability to tell her life story in an entertaining and honest way.

I can’t wait to see what or who she will bring to us next year as we follow her through her life’s journey.

The Breast is Yet to Come
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review-amelia-ryan-breast-yet-comeAmelia captures the heart of the audience with her hilarious anecdotes, charisma, amazing vocal range and ability to tell her life story in an entertaining and honest way.