Home Armadale City Concert Band
We are a local community concert band catering for keen amateur musicians of all ages. We rehearse every Wednesday night at Kelmscott Senior High School from 7.15pm - 10pm. We also have a Facebook page, so check us out. Some instruments available for hire. We perform at several gigs throughout the year.
Are you new to strings (from another instrument)?
A rusty player who played decades ago?
Or a first-instrument adult string student?
We are a fun, friendly and supportive ensemble group that welcomes rusty or fledgling string players (violin, viola, cello & bass) who would like to develop their musical and orchestral skills in preparation towards joining the Melville-based South Side Symphony Orchestra.
No auditions, but players should be from approximately AMEB Grade 2 level. We rehearse on Mondays in Winthrop from 7.30pm - 9pm during school terms.
Adrian Hill (Secretary)
The Sweet Thursday Community Singers sing on Tuesdays from 7-9pm at Highgate Junior Primary School in Bulwer Avenue, Highgate.
We are a sociable non-audition choir who enjoy singing a wide range of traditional, contemporary and ethnic music and we welcome newcomers.