Western Australians who want to continue living independently in their communities will benefit from $2.1 million in additional funding for the State’s Home and Community Care (HACC) program.
Minister for Aged Care, Ken Wyatt AM, and WA Minister for Health, Roger Cook, said the funding would help deliver new services, through organisations supporting people who were frail aged or had a disability, and their carers.
“This will help extend nursing, social support, respite care, domestic assistance and transport to people across the State, many who without these services, would not be able to continue to live at home,” said Minister Wyatt.
“This means more older people in WA will be able to receive the care they need to be able to maintain their independence and connection to their communities.”
Minister Cook said more than 74,000 Western Australians relied on home care.
“Community based support is vital, and the non-government sector plays a pivotal role in developing and providing these services,” said Minister Cook.
The additional funding will be used to target priority areas including:
- $367,072 to Independent Living Centre of WA Inc to expand Allied health services State wide
- $300,368 to Technology Assisting Disability WA Inc to expand home modification support services State wide
- $349,074 to Volunteer Task Force Inc to expand home maintenance services in the East and North Metropolitan regions
- $256,304 to Alzheimer’s Australia WA Ltd to expand social support services for people with dementia in the East and South West Metropolitan regions, and $114,000 in the Great Southern region
- $465,337 to Rise Network Inc for the expansion of home maintenance in the North, East and South East Metropolitan regions
- $157,452 to Care Options Inc to expand domestic assistance and social support in the South West Metropolitan region
- $142,085 to Share and Care Community Services Inc for expansion of domestic assistance, home maintenance and transport services in the Wheatbelt region
The funding is part of a $309 million commitment to the Home and Community Care program across Western Australia, including $187.9 million from the Australian Government and $121.7 million from the WA Government.