Grants available for community organisations for Seniors Week 2023

Seniors Week acknowledges the role of seniors in our communities, promotes positive ageing, and encourages participation in community life, particularly for isolated people. 

Seniors Week 2023 runs from November 12-19 with events and activities held across WA, including the WA Seniors Awards. 

Community-level organisations and local governments in the metropolitan, regional, and remote areas of WA, are being invited to apply for grant funding to stage events and activities during Seniors Week. 

The Seniors Week Community Grants Program assists with the costs of hosting local events, with a focus on initiatives that recognise and thank seniors for their contribution to the community and engage seniors in a variety of activities that encourage active ageing. 

Grant funds of $1,000 (or up to $3,000 for a consortium) can be used to meet event-related costs such as advertising and promotion, catering, venue and equipment hire, and transport. 

There will also be an emphasis on promoting intergenerational activities linking seniors to the community, and support for people who experience disadvantage or isolation, to attend events and activities during Seniors Week. 

Additionally, nominations for the WA Seniors Awards can be made by organisations or individual members of the public. The Awards acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of exceptional seniors and people supporting older Western Australians. 

The Seniors Week Community Grants Program and the WA Seniors Awards will be coordinated by the Council on the Ageing (WA) (COTA) in partnership with the Department of Communities and LotteryWest. 

Applications for grants funding and nominations for the WA Seniors Awards can be made to COTA (WA) at their website: COTA (WA) or by phone on: (08) 9472 0104. 

Grant Applications and Awards nominations close COB Friday, September 29, 2023 and awards will be presented during Seniors Week.