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Tag: COVID-19

Booster covid shots may be necessary for some…

Vaccine induced immunity to most viruses is not for ever.  Data from Public Health England indicates that 20 weeks after the second dose, protection against...

Western Australian epidemiologist says that Covid infections can last months

Covid-19 is a short sharp illness for most people, especially healthy young people. They usually recover quickly with no lasting ill effects. But this does...

Is the cure for the pandemic worse than the disease?

Lockdowns cause everyone a load of inconvenience and serious financial losses for the hospitality, travel and industries. Are they worth it? A study led by...

Risk of blood clots from Covid ten times worse than risk...

Naturally we all have questions about any new medical procedure and Covid-19 vaccines are no exception. But widespread vaccination is the only way we will...

Don’t forget about your flu shot

With flu season nearly here it's essential that Western Australians don't forget about getting the flu vaccination. With the focus on the Covid-19 rollout, it...

Managing asthma and respiratory conditions in the lead up to winter

There’s been a drop in the number of people going to WA hospital emergency departments with respiratory conditions, but Asthma WA is urging people...

Over 50s can now receive their Covid vaccinations

From today, thousands more Western Australians can get vaccinated at any of the three State-run community vaccination clinics. Anyone 50 years and over is eligible...

Covid-19 poses a serious threat to health of older people

At least 80 per cent of Australians aged over 70 years are at high risk of serious illness or death if they contract Covid-19. A...

No evidence of link between AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clots

Founder of Thrombosis Australia says no evidence of link between AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clots Analysis of the data from the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine shows...

Sleep maximises vaccine effectiveness

With the roll-out of Covid-19 vaccines now underway, University of South Australia sleep experts are urging people to reprioritise their sleep, as getting regular...

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