As we age, our muscles get stiffer, and our joints can begin to ache. Aches and pains can make previously easy tasks, such as sitting down or standing up, more complex and even turn it into a chore. If these stresses are not reduced, it can often get too much for the body and this may result in high pain levels which may drastically reduce mobility.
It is essential to look for ways to lessen the body’s stress levels before it gets to this stage and limit the activities causing the stress. A great way to assist with this is to use a lift and recline chair. These chairs are fitted with electronic motors that lift the chair, bringing people to a perched position, where the hips are higher than the knees, assisting people in sitting down and standing up.
Motobility offers an extensive range of lift and recline chairs that provide people with a high level of comfort and adjustability. The Lumbar Support chair is ideal for people experiencing lower back pain as its four independent motors allow the user to adjust the chair into a perfect position that suits specific needs.
People can browse the latest Motobility range of lift and recline chairs on their website at or give them a call on (08) 9242 733.