Nyumbi celebrates Nyoongar culture in Yagan Square

Nyumbi at Yagan Square - Photo Cam Campbell
The City of Perth is helping to bring Yagan Square to life with a free celebration of the world’s oldest living culture every Friday night until June.

Entitled Nyumbi, locals and visitors alike will be able to immerse themselves in Perth’s rich Nyoongar culture through traditional song and dance.
Up close in the Yagan Square Amphitheatre, attendees can experience a smoking ceremony and the language of performance groups such as Binjareb Middars, Kowbidak Yok Kenning and Koolangkas Kreate.
Working with DevelopmentWA, Tourism WA and the Western Australian Indigenous Tourism Operators Council (WAITOC), the City of Perth is supporting Nyumbi with a $20,000 financial contribution.
“The City of Perth is proud to support a cultural event with such a poignant focus on Nyoongar boodjar,” City of Perth Chair Commissioner Andrew Hammond said.
“Cultural events such as Nyumbi are important in increasing vibrancy, supporting local business and fostering a sense of community.
“With a focus on Aboriginal history, Yagan Square Amphitheatre is the perfect location to engage with the world’s oldest living culture.”
He said the event built on the success of the City of Perth and WAITOC’s Aboriginal tourism programs, developing cultural experiences for tourists and locals since 2017.
“Research by Tourism Western Australia details that Aboriginal tourism in WA continues to be of great interest to visitors and has grown in enthusiasm over the past seven years.  Cultural events are a great way of capitalising on this unique tourism opportunity within the city,” Chair Commissioner Hammond said.
WAITOC Chief Executive Officer Robert Taylor said the relationship between WAITOC and the City of Perth was pivotal in providing authentic Aboriginal cultural experiences for visitors and tourists alike.
The free Nyumbi performances will run every Friday from 5.30pm to 6.15pm at the Yagan Square Amphitheatre until 26 June.