Marron Season opens in Western Australia…

Marron fishing

People go fishing for lots of reasons, but it’s often as much about the experience as the catch.

When it comes to wild-caught marron in the South West, the experience is about as unique as things get, because its natural distribution is limited to river systems and public dams between Harvey and Albany. Drinking water catchments are not open to recreational fishing.

Popular marron fishing locations in South West WA include the irrigation dams around Harvey and Waroona and the Wellington Dam near Collie. The Murray, Blackwood, Donnelly and Warren rivers also provide sought-after fishing locations and the enjoyable experience of relaxing on tree-lined waterways.

Recreational marron fishers revisit the fishery every year and they must have a valid licence to take part. In the past four years, an average of 10,880 licences were issued and you can buy them online at

The season runs over the same dates every year and in 2020 that means it will kick off from Noon next Wednesday 8 January and closes at Noon on Wednesday 5 February.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Aquatic Resource Management director Nathan Harrison said every effort was being made to keep this fishery sustainable and iconic.

“The limited marron fishing season and management rules, such as permitted fishing gear, bag, size and possession limits make the WA’s recreational marron fishery one of the most tightly managed recreational fisheries in the world,” Mr Harrison said. 

“These measures are required to ensure the unique experience of catching marron in the wild can continue now and into the future.”

“Careful management of the marron fishery is required not just because of fishing pressure, but also changes in the physical environment including climate change and  reduced rainfall and runoff into our rivers and dams.” 

The WA Government recently announced that almost $500,000 would be allocated from the Recreational Fishing Initiatives Fund, to investigate the stocking of marron into South West dams and the enhancement of marron habitat The new stocking program will see 300,000 stocked over three years to help counter change impacts on marron’s long-term viability

DPIRD’s Community Education team will have in-season awareness displays at marron fishing locations and Fisheries Officers will also be on patrol and making sure rules are followed.

Details on where you can and can’t fish for marron, permitted fishing gear and size, bag and possession limits for marron can be found at the Marron Recreational fishing guide 2020