Vince Garreffa’s delicious and easy truffled chicken meatloaf

Manjimup Black Truffles are now in fresh supply for a couple of months. Time to spoil yourselves as they are being presented by the top restaurants in town and being snapped up by Paris and Los Angeles. 

You can make this recipe at home at an affordable cost. Mondos have a good stock of truffles so treat your loved ones to this delicious treat. 

easy truffled chicken meatloaf

Vince Garreffa’s delicious and easy truffled chicken meatloaf


  • 1 kg minced chicken breast & thigh, no skin
  • 5 eggs
  • 50 ml truffle oil
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs
  • 1 small cup tiny diced carrots blanched
  • 1 small cup tiny diced onion fried soft in extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 small cup clean pistachio kernels
  • 1 small Manjimup black truffle 10 or 20g
  • ½ teaspoon mild mustard
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 leek stalk only
  • Organic lake salt
  • Freshly cracked black pepper


  • Blend the chicken, eggs and truffle oil until you achieve a well-mixed paste.
  • Now hand mix the paste with the breadcrumbs, carrots, onion, pistachios, mustard, nutmeg, a good pinch of salt and a good grinding of freshly cracked pepper. Make sure it’s sticking together with all ingredients well distributed throughout the mix.
  • Split the leek stalk in half lengthways and blanch until soft in salted boiling water.
  • Choose a meatloaf tin to accommodate the mix or choose small individual tins for the number of guests.
  • Line tins with baking paper then line the paper with strips of blanched leek.
  • Fill tins with meatloaf mix just short of the top of each tin then fold over excess leek strips to cover the top.
  • Bake tins in a large roasting pan with hot water three quarters up the side of tins at 180°C for a time to suit the size of tins. You need to achieve an internal temperature of 70°C in the meatloaf. Small about 30–40 mins, larger about 75 minutes.


I served mine warm with truffle shaved over it and with a hot potato with spicy ricotta on the side but you can serve it cold if you wish. 
Buy a truffle shaver to achieve very fine slices or shred the truffles using a microplane.

Buon Appetito!

Vince is the ambassador of Mondos Butchers located at 824 Beaufort Street, Inglewood.
They are open Tuesday to Friday 9am – 5.30pm Saturday 9am to 2pm.
Phone 9371 6350 or visit