Everyone loves a quiche – even those that are too manly to admit it. It’s easy and tasty and bragging that you did it all yourself from scratch is so rewarding. Serve as a light lunch but watch out if it is in the fridge as snack food because I snacked my way through a whole one by myself. Today I am not trusted with homemade quiche.

Chicken, Bacon and Onion Quiche
Servings 4 people
- 140 g diced bacon use the eye of the bacon leaving three tails for decoration
- 350 g brown onions thinly sliced
- 8 free range eggs
- 250 ml cream
- 500 g chicken thighs diced
- 50 g spring onion thinly sliced
- 80 g shredded cheddar cheese
- 3 bacon tail rashers approx. 100g
- 3 cherry tomatoes
- 1 25 cm x 5cm loose bottomed cake tin
- Extra virgin olive oil VOO
- Organic lake salt
- Cracked black pepper
Ingredients for pastry
- 125 g butter
- 250 g plain flour
- ½ beaten egg
- 90 ml refrigerated cold water
- Season the chicken with salt and pepper and fry in a little EVOO until just cooked. Don’t overcook, set it aside to cool.
- Make the pastry by mixing all the ingredients in a blender or processor then shape into a ball and flatten before wrapping in plastic wrap and rest in fridge for 30 minutes.
- During this time heat a frypan and cook the diced bacon on its own until a little coloured then drain on kitchen paper to cool. Cook the sliced onion in the bacon fat residue in the dirty frypan stirring well. If bacon was too lean add one tablespoon of EVOO and cook till onion is soft. then drain as well on kitchen paper.
- Beat the eggs with the cream and season with salt and pepper.
- Line your loose bottomed tin with baking paper, flatten the pastry with a rolling pin and line the prepared tin with the pastry, trimming the edges; refrigerate the tin and pastry for 10minutes.
- Mix all the cooled bacon, onions, chicken and the other ingredients; spring onions and cheese into the beaten egg mixture. Pour the mix into the pastry lined tin and crisscross the top of the quiche with the bacon tails and decorate with halved cherry tomatoes in between the bacon.
- Now bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 40 minutes until coloured on top then cover the quiche with baking paper and cook for an extra 20 minutes. Rest for 15 minutes on the bench then serve hot, or cool in the fridge and serve cold, or reheated within three days.
Serve it with salad anytime of the day, or night. Yummy!
Mondos Butchers is located at 824 Beaufort Street, Inglewood.
They are open Tuesday to Friday 9am – 5.30pm Saturday 8am to 2pm.
Phone 9371 6350 or visit www.mondo.net.au.