We all know of people in their 90s, or even older, who live busy lives and show no sign of dementia. They are the super-agers.
They are the lucky ones, who have inherited the genes for longevity, but there is more to it than that. Lifestyle choices and environmental factors are also important determinants of how they age. Could the secrets of super-agers’ lifestyles help the rest of us live better and longer as we age?
A team led by Dr. Claudia Kawas, professor of neurology at the University of California, Irvine, has tracked people over 90 for the past 15 years who live in a retirement village.
Participants agreed for their brains to be examined post mortem. To their surprise the researchers found that about 40 per cent of those who had aged well and showed no signs of dementia, had all the brain physical changes found in Alzheimer’s Disease.
A study by professor Bryan Strange, at the Technical University of Madrid, found that super-agers had similar concentrations of dementia blood biomarkers to other people.
These observations suggest that super-agers have some resistance to age-related memory decline.
Another study by professor Emily Rogalski and team at Northwestern University in Chicago focused on people 80+ years who have memory performance as good as 50 or 60-year-olds.
Their brains were physically more similar to the brains of people aged 50–60 than their 80-year-old peers. The brain structure of super-agers was better preserved, with more grey matter in key areas involved in memory and movement.
The lifestyle of super-agers may have lessons for the rest of us.
They eat a healthy diet balanced rich in fruit and vegetables with plenty of protein. Those who were a little overweight in their 70s outlived others. They also indulged in an occasional glass of alcohol; people who drink moderately were 23 per cent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who abstained.
Super-agers maintain strong social ties to family and the community they live in and were more likely to report valuing close, meaningful relationships.
They keep physically active, not necessarily gym workouts, but moderate exercise, walking or yoga. Tests showed super-agers had better mobility, agility and balance. They also reported having been more active in midlife.
Compared with their peers, they were more independent in their day-to-day living, scored higher in intelligence tests, and were less likely to have a history of diabetes or high blood pressure.
Years of formal education was not significant for super-agers. However, many have a commitment to lifelong learning. They are open to new experiences, ideas and new knowledge. Most challenge their brain every day, reading or learning something new. Many continue to work into their 80s.
Super-agers were more likely to have a musical background than typical older adults. Other studies found that musical training is associated with improved late-life memory.
Super-agers maintain regular sleep patterns. Compared to the average senior they complained less frequently about not getting enough sleep.
Better mental health was one of the strongest factors associated with super-agers. They have a positive mindset, adapt to changes and maintain a sense of purpose. They mitigate stress through mindfulness, meditation, pets or hobbies.
In clinical tests to measure levels of anxiety and depression, super-agers scored better than their peers. Previous research has suggested depression and anxiety can impair performance on memory tests in people of all ages, and are risk factors for developing dementia.
While genetic factors play a part, lifestyle choices and environmental factors are important in how well we age. While individual preferences and circumstances may vary, integrating these principles into one’s lifestyle could promise a more vibrant and fulfilling ageing journey.