Skin tear concerns? Your friendly 777 Pharmacist can help

As we age, our skin can unfortunately become thinner and more delicate making it prone to common conditions such as skin tears.

The reason skin tears are more common in older Australians is because the skin becomes more fragile and less able to repair itself as we age.

This can be due to several factors including a thinning epidermis, the loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, decreased blood supply, which makes it harder for skin to heal and the loss of oil glands which makes our skin drier and more prone to tearing.

Pharmacy 777 pharmacist San San Tan said it’s important that people are looking after skin tears so they can heal properly.

“While a skin tear is seen as a minor injury, they can be complex wounds, which is where having a chat to your local community Pharmacist can give you some much needed peace of mind,” San San said.

Pharmacy 777 tips for preventing skin tears include: 

  1. – Keeping your skin hydrated with a fragrance free, pH neutral moisturiser, 
  2. – Using gentle or soap free cleansers, 
  3. – Wearing protective clothing,
  4. – Reducing your risk of falls with good lighting and walking aids,
  5. – Good nutrition and hydration,
  6. – Regularly reviewing medications with your Pharmacist and healthcare provider. 

While skin tears are easily treatable, they can also cause concern and be painful, particularly if not managed properly. 

“We invite older people in the community to come and have a chat to us at Pharmacy 777, so we can best advise them of skin tear treatment and management.

“Caring for your wound is very important. Proper wound care and professional support may help to prevent infection or other complications and can optimise your healing time with less scarring.”

You can book a private consultation at your local Pharmacy 777. Your 777 Pharmacist will discuss skin tear management with you and assess your wound.  

After an initial assessment your wound will be cleaned and dressed and you will be provided with a wound aftercare plan and a follow up appointment to manage your risk of infection booked, if necessary. 

To make an appointment for this service call your local community Pharmacy 777 direct or visit; to make a booking online.