Fantastic opportunity to recognise and celebrate volunteers with Lotterywest Grants (up to $1000)

Volunteering WA, thanks to support from Lotterywest, is offering volunteer involving organisations around the State a fantastic opportunity to apply for a grant of up to $1,000 to organise an event which recognises volunteers during National Volunteer Week from 21 – 27 May 2018.

In previous years, organisations have acknowledged the wonderful work their volunteers do by events such as team building days; hiring a motivational guest speaker to visit the office; treating the volunteers to lunch, dinner or even taking them out for a movie night.

Grant funding may be used for event promotion, publicity, National Volunteer Week merchandise, transport, hire of equipment and/or venue, entertainment (e.g. hiring a band), food or non-alcoholic beverages.

CEO of Volunteering WA said that volunteers are the backbone of communities around the state, and it was important to acknowledge their contributions.

“Volunteers and organisations who generously give their time to making our communities better places to live should be recognised and celebrated,” Ms Williams said. “The National Volunteer Week 2018 Grants are a great way for organisations to say thank you to their volunteers.’

Volunteering WA looks forward to receiving submissions online–events/national-volunteer-week/nvw-grants by Thursday 1 March.