Fantasy of Flowers now in its fourth year is an event dedicated to promoting friendship through the beauty of flowers and the sharing of knowledge by those who have chosen the floristry industry as their profession and others who have a passion for floral art.
Swing into an early spring and plan to make a visit to this premiere floral event which returns to the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre on 17 and 18 August.
On Saturday the Boardwalk will be blooming from 9am to 9pm and on Sunday from 9am to 4pm.
The show features displays from leading floral artists and florists in WA and includes competitions and exhibitions. It provides an outstanding array of varying, original and interpretive flower arranging including WA wildflowers and other exotic blooms.
Fantasy of Flowers wants to share this popular artistic challenge with the wider public.
They are proud to showcase the floral art talent in Western Australia with state champions ranging from school age children through to older adults.
From July thousands of people visit WA to see the wildflowers blooming in their natural home. They see them, smell them and feel WA’s unique local environment and they can enjoy the amazing visual feast of flower power in Mandurah.
Flowers can open up a new beautiful world with many becoming “flower enthusiasts,”
it’s a hobby where age, race, colour and gender don’t matter.
Mandurah Fantasy of Flowers commenced the event in 2016. The creative skills, quality product, originality and innovation have improved with each year. This is a community event organised by the people, for the people.
This living art has inspired a number of interested people to attend local flower clubs. The organisers of this show are proud of the standard and enthusiasm and would love to see more people become wild about flowers.
Mandurah Fantasy of Flowers will be held at the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 August. The show is organised by a committee of enthusiasts and is not for profit. Entry is gold coin $2 and each year they make a donation to Telethon.