Review: Faulty Towers The Dining Experience

I really had no idea what to expect when I headed to Rigby’s Bar for Faulty Towers – The Dining Experience. Thankfully I had some background about the show and knew who the characters were having read Lee Tate’s TV Talk column in Have a Go News.

The show features the three main characters Fawlty Towers Hotel manager’ Basil, his wife Sybil and their Spanish waiter Manuel.

Throughout the two-hour show you are served a three course meal, it’s not five star dining, but the way it’s worked into the show is an essential part.

It feels like you are a guest at Fawlty Towers, which of course is the desired effect.

The show starts with Basil barging out of the kitchen yelling for Manuel to clean up, serve us nuts and direct us to our assigned tables.

Basil proceeds to pronounce every guest’s name incorrectly while calling you to take your seat.

As I was chatting to my friend before the start of the show, this faux pas meant I was singled out, given the Basil death stare and then I was served a little surprise in my soup…

There’s a lot of yelling as poor Manuel interprets the English language incorrectly throughout the show.

It takes a long time but finally we are served bread rolls with our not so charming host Basil literally throwing down butter for each table.

Sharp tongued Sybil arrives and Basil ducks for cover as an argument between them ensues.

Filled with laughs, mayhem and madness Faulty Towers had the audience in stitches with the cast’s jokes, on point acting and the clever way they improvised with the audience’s stories throughout the three-course meal.

This is a dining experience like no other, it’s interactive, comedic and if you are a fan of the much-loved television series you would enjoy it even more.

I just cannot get the name Basil out of my head…

Faulty Towers – The Dining Experience

Rigby’s Bar & Bistro, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth 6000

9-25 February 2018

Click here to buy tickets:

Faulty Towers The Dining Experience
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review-faulty-towers-dining-experienceFilled with laughs, mayhem and madness Faulty Towers had the audience in stitches with the cast’s jokes, on point acting and the clever way they improvised with the audience’s stories throughout the three-course meal.