Find out what young people think…

The Quadrangle is a unique verbatim theatre performance that explores the candid perspectives of young people.

In this production, actors present live interviews with children, and relay the words exactly as they hear them, without any embellishment. Accompanied by live music, this performance captures the raw, heartfelt, and humorous insights of children as they share their views on life, the world, and their dreams for the future. 

The show inspires reflection on the value of young voices and their often-profound wisdom.

The interview content of this production briefly touches on themes of mental health, relationships, and personal challenges, with minimal references to domestic violence and sexual assault. These topics are approached with care and sensitivity.

Presented by Barking Gecko Arts + Whiskey & Boots and STATE OF PLAY.

The Quadrangle runs at the State Theatre Centre of WA, Rehearsal Room 1 from 23 January – 1 February 2025.
