Talking Retirement Living – find out the answers to the big questions for retirees and their families

Andrew Winter and Rachel Lane visit Perth in November

Lendlease’s Talking Retirement Living Information Events are kicking off in various location across Australia this month. 

Following on from last year’s success, these free events help retirees and their families answer the big questions related to making their next move. 

Managing Director of Lendlease Retirement Living, Tony Randello saidTalking Retirement Living provides an excellent opportunity for retirees considering their next move to seek information and advice from a collection of Australia’s retirement experts. 

“It’s also a chance to meet some residents, find out more about village life and the services and options available,” said Mr Randello.

A panel of industry experts will provide advice and honest insights on topics relating to contracts, buying options, finance, real estate, wellbeing and lifestyle to help guide informed decisions.

Special guests Andrew Winter, host of Selling Houses Australia and Rachel Lane, retirement living specialist will be on hand to share their wisdom, provide hot tips and answer any questions. 

Bus tours will also provide an opportunity to explore Lendlease retirement villages as well as the opportunity to meet residents, enjoy live entertainment and tasty appetisers crafted from fresh local produce. 

Talking Retirement Living – Perth Event celebrates Seniors Week

Monday 11 November – Perth Zoo Rothschild’s Room 20 Labouchere Rd, South Perth, at 10am and 2pm. 

All events are free, but bookings are essential and can be made by calling 1800 550 550 or online at