Como Croquet Club

We also make our venue available for croquet and non-croquet events outside the playing times listed on this page.
We have a classic clubhouse seating 32, four floodlit lawns and fully equipped kitchen.
We provide all necessary equipment and basic coaching for croquet playing parties.

Contact Person
Phone Number
0408 912 880
East Fremantle Croquet Club

New players welcome, come and try the game of croquet, it’s not just “hitting a ball through a hoop”. It is not just for “oldies”. Start young, you may be surprised at the challenge of this game.

Croquet is played world-wide and we welcome players from all corners of the globe. Just give us a call!

Contact Person
Bill Turner
Phone Number
0407 983 132
Last updated
Forrest Park Croquet Club

The Forrest Park Croquet Club was established in 2004 when the North Perth Croquet Club relocated to Forrest Park in Mt Lawley, it is located at 66 Harold Street in Mount Lawley.

The club has 3 courts with lights for night play, a main hall, full kitchen and a meeting room. The clubroom facilities are available for hire and croquet parties can be organised for special events.

Come down, watch a game and ask about our beginners coaching classes, typically one hour over four weeks. Social play is on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings, all year round.

The club currently comprises approximately 50 full and associate members, and a mix of Association and Golf croquet is played at both social and competition level. Croquet is played by both men and women together. A great sport for a couple to enjoy, it is a combination of strategy, skill and luck - giving exercise for the brain and body.

New members and visitors are always welcome.

Facebook -

Phone Number
6210 1690
Last updated
English visitor Judy concentrating on her taking her shot

Playing Days: Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday- 9.00am - 12.00 noon
Other days can be arranged subject to court availability.

Free Come & Try Days: Every Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday 8.30am - 12.00 noon Flat Soled shoes must be worn, coaching and equipment provided.
Community Group visit: Wednesday or Friday
Bookings essential, subject to court availability.

Location: 70 Thomson Street Mandurah

Contact Person
Gayle McGovern
Website Address
Phone Number
08 9535 5563
0438 195 523
Last updated
Sorrento Croquet Club

Welcome to the game of croquet. It’s lots of fun in the fresh air and is a game that is both challenging and involves combining skill and tactics.

Our Croquet Club is incorporated within the Sorrento Bowling Club and as such, members have full use of the club’s facilities. Croquet members are encouraged to support the Bowling Club in social activities and volunteer work around our club.

In addition to an annual fee, croquet members pay a $4/$5 per day green fee, with a maximum of $15 per week.

Visitors pay $5 day to a maximum of five games per year. Family groups are encouraged to play outside club hours at S10 per family.

New players are welcome to use the Club mallets until they become familiar with the size and weight they prefer.

New members are encouraged to purchase their own mallet within three to four months  or as soon as they feel comfortable. For advice on mallets please speak to a Committee member who will be happy to help you.

On the last Friday of each month the Croquet Members get together at 5.30pm at the Club for “Friday Night Roast” and have some fun and interaction with other members.

We hope that you enjoy your games of croquet and being a member of our club.

Remember you are neither too young nor too old to play croquet.

Contact Person
Kerry Bomford
Phone Number
9447 0696
0403 270 510
Victoria Park Croquet Club

Victoria Park Croquet Club welcomes members of the public and Croquet clubs to join us for play on Tuesday and Saturday mornings from 9:30am to 12:00pm.

Contact Person
Elizabeth Newcombe
Phone Number
9367 3356