Just Friends Incorporated

Just Friends Incorporated

Just Friends is a Claremont based social group offering a safe and non-threatening environment for unattached persons over 55 years of age. The Club meets at the Claremont Yacht Club at 7.30pm for their Mix and Mingle which is held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Membership of the club is $80 per annum and visitors pay $10 and are allowed to attend three times before they either join the club or stop attending functions. Every week the club organises functions for their members, which include dinners, outings, house parties, dinner dancing, barefoot bowls , movie and theatre nights. Membership also entitles you to become a social member of the Claremont Yacht Club and this gives members even greater access to functions.

Helen Bedell  0417 174 811

Christine May 0407 969 873

Contact Person
Margaret Pettigrew
0438 841 357