Sorrento Croquet Club

Sorrento Croquet Club

Welcome to the game of croquet. It’s lots of fun in the fresh air and is a game that is both challenging and involves combining skill and tactics.

Our Croquet Club is incorporated within the Sorrento Bowling Club and as such, members have full use of the club’s facilities. Croquet members are encouraged to support the Bowling Club in social activities and volunteer work around our club.

In addition to an annual fee, croquet members pay a $4/$5 per day green fee, with a maximum of $15 per week.

Visitors pay $5 day to a maximum of five games per year. Family groups are encouraged to play outside club hours at S10 per family.

New players are welcome to use the Club mallets until they become familiar with the size and weight they prefer.

New members are encouraged to purchase their own mallet within three to four months  or as soon as they feel comfortable. For advice on mallets please speak to a Committee member who will be happy to help you.

On the last Friday of each month the Croquet Members get together at 5.30pm at the Club for “Friday Night Roast” and have some fun and interaction with other members.

We hope that you enjoy your games of croquet and being a member of our club.

Remember you are neither too young nor too old to play croquet.

Contact Person
Kerry Bomford
Phone Number
9447 0696
0403 270 510